Museum History and Mission Statement
When I founded The Museum of Automobile History in 1994, it was considered the world’s largest museum with collections devoted to only automobilia. It was open in Syracuse, New York from 1996 until it closed its doors in 2002. About 10% of the museum’s collections were automobile styling and illustration art and models. I acquired my first pieces of automobile styling art in the 1970’s after starting my automobile literature business. At that time, there were only several collectors of this art in the entire world!
Since The Museum of Automobile History has been closed, I have been interested in opening another museum devoted strictly to automobile styling and illustration art, models and other material related to its history. I am now searching for a location for this museum. As far as I know, there is no museum in the world which is devoted to this important subject. In addition to a museum, even more important will be traveling exhibitions which can tour the country visiting other art museums. There have been several exhibitions through the years at various automobile museums of styling art and models but virtually none have appeared at fine art museums. This museum does not pretend to be a comprehensive or all inclusive collection. Its collections contain representative pieces including many of the important artists and automobile styling themes.
The emphasis of the collection is on Detroit styling and illustration art and models of the post-WWII period. This work (especially the futuristic pieces) tends to be more interesting artistically than artwork of the earlier time periods. By definition, all of the artwork in the museum was created by automobile stylists working directly for automobile companies or for independent design companies. There are no paintings or sculpture in this collection that were simply done as works of fine art by individuals. The collection as it exists today is only a beginning. We are always interested in acquiring more works.
Millions of individuals around the world enjoy fine art and visit art museums. In addition, millions consider themselves to be car enthusiasts, attend car shows and own collector cars. However automobile styling art, which combines these two interests, is virtually unknown among both these groups. These exhibits will educate the public which has been unaware of the beauty and significance of this artwork. Ironically, this same public has had a love affair with automobiles for over a century. This museum, website and future traveling exhibitions of automobile styling and illustration artwork seeks to educate the local, national and international art loving public.
Walter Miller
The Museum of Automobile History
Museum of Automobile Art and Design
January 2007 |
